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These are miscellaneous utilities included in Open Mafia Engine.



Fuzzy matcher, with a score cutoff, using fuzzywuzzy.


choices : Dict[str, T] Mapping of name to whatever you want. score_cutoff : int The minimum score to use. Default is 0, in which case we use the best match, even if it's bad. If set higher, match() may raise KeyError. use_lower : bool Whether to use str.lower() for keys and queries. This probably improves matching in real-world cases. Default is True.

match(self, query: str) -> ~T

Tries to match query to your object.

Source code in util/
def match(self, query: str) -> T:
    if self.use_lower:
        query = query.lower()
    options = list(self._choices.keys())
    # see:
    res = process.extractOne(query, options, score_cutoff=self.score_cutoff)
    if res is None:
        raise KeyError(query)
    return self._choices[res[0]]


Base class for target matching.

The base version only does exact matches, and throws KeyError if not found. (Essentially, just a Dict[str, T])

match(self, query: str) -> ~T

Tries to match query to your object.

Source code in util/
def match(self, query: str) -> T:
    """Tries to match `query` to your object."""
    return self._choices[query]


Matches everything by query.lower().

match(self, query: str) -> ~T

Tries to match query to your object.

Source code in util/
def match(self, query: str) -> T:
    return self._choices[query.lower()]


make_str_enum(name: str, values: List[str], doc: str = '') -> Type[str]

Makes a string enumeration with particuluar values.

Source code in util/
def make_str_enum(name: str, values: List[str], doc: str = "") -> Type[str]:
    """Makes a string enumeration with particuluar values."""

    T = Enum(name, {v: v for v in values}, qualname=name, type=str)

    def __repr__(self: T) -> str:
        cn = type(self).__qualname__
        return f"{cn}({self.value!r})"

    T.__repr__ = __repr__
    T.__doc__ = doc

    return T



Named list: works like a list and a dict based on the key.


class_name(cls: Type[object]) -> str

Returns the class name.

Source code in util/
def class_name(cls: Type[object]) -> str:
    """Returns the class name."""
    return cls.__qualname__



This mixin gives a reasonably smart automatic repr.

It hasn't been extensively tested - might fail, so test yourself!